p.s: for those who are into cooking, or would want to try fun ways of getting new recipes check this site..!! and give them some love by commenting in their comment box: Lets get cooking!!
Baangur is still playing on repeat in my music player; but youtube has me hooked on to this:
There is a unreleased movie, one of Anurag Kashyap's first.
Paanch. I have nice friends who downloaded the movie. Its only a Preview Copy that is available. Its a cult movie of sorts. Kay Kay Menon as Luke Morrison is one of the best performances I have seen. I don't want to sound like I'm giving a movie review, but I sort of really like Anurag Kashyap Films! :)
I just came across
passionforcinema.com and saw, the man himself commenting, and being a part of it; I wanted to join it immediately. I heard its undergoing change in Admin and maybe, just maybe, Anurag Kashyap might buy it! woohoo!!
I have met very few people in my life who are truly passionate about something. Anything. One such person in this very very VERY dear friend of mine! He doesn't know this, yet, but he is like a life support system for me since the last two years. I sort of cannot think of life without him. Its totally weird with him. He's not like anybody else. There are times when I can just pick the phone, call him, and go on talking for the longest time.. and he wouldn't have said one single word. Suddenly, I stop, check the phone if the conversation is still on, and say Hello, u there na? And he'll be like.. haan meri ma, aage bol! [yes mother, go on..] And there are these times when I don't know what to tell him. I'll pick the phone to call his number, and before it rings, will cut the call, because I'll run the probable conversation we'll be having in my head, figure out he's either going to disagree or shout at me, and its better if I don't talk to him!
Its not the conventional friendship people seem to share; he's a person, I met through work, and hence we have so much of work to discuss, but more than that,
I, we talk about movies and songs and the like. He actually talks way too less, compared to any other friend I have; he just expects us[his friends] to understand what he wants to say! He talks way too less, and initially it was disturbing. I used to get irritated when I would go on and on about this friend of mine did this and that relative of mine did that, and I wouldn't know a single thing about him/his people. Slowly, I started "getting" him rather getting to know him. So,Whenever he talks, I listen, and with all my attention, coz he's saying what he's saying coz its important to him, else he wouldn't have said it!
When I was in Mumbai, he was the one I was with most of the time(other than at work) [ One of the two
GUYS I spoke about then]. Movies, Movies, Lunches, Dinners, Pizza, Movies, Beer, Whiskey, Movies, Wine, Vodka, Movies, WWE, Cricket, Windows Movie maker, Movies. Did I mention Movies? Well thats what we did! I probably have had the most fights with him! I don't know if we can call them fights, but I would be constantly doing something wrong and he would get angry. And for those times
when , if , he did something wrong, I wasn't allowed to get angry. :P Actually I don't get angry that much, so it was alrite!
[I'm re-writing this post, as the earlier one got deleted when my system crashed, but last time I wrote a lot of different things, this time, like always, this page is making me type things, I didn't set out to say!! but hey, I said it! My blog, no? ;)]
I started off, by talking about passion, when I was introducing him. Once he knows he has to do something, he will. No Matter What!
Be it fitness, work, music, WWE, cricket. I don't think he does anything half heartedly. Thats why when he does something, I have learnt to automatically know, that its important to him
[and hence, somehow, becomes sort of important to me]. If it wasn't he wouldn't be doing it!
I have soooo much to say about him, but somehow, this space is not enough. No space is. I wanted to write about, how I became friends with him, how the journey was, how I have made a fool of myself, umpteen number of times, when I'm with him, how I get upset when he "supposedly" is only pulling my leg and not meaning whatever he said seriously, how he's the only one who calls me "sadu"[grumpy] even though I'm not to the rest of the world and so many other things. But I'm keeping them for later. I guess.
I cannot not mention this another friend when I talk about him. She completes us. Sort of. We are actually four of us, in this close knit group of ours. But off-late its been just the three of us. She is going to be my new roommate! and I'm super psyched about it!! I'll talk about her in a post of her own. Most probably. :P No, I will. But for now, this Image, of the three of us!
was meant to be Raavan with 9 heads! :P
I wrote this as a Testimonial [on orkut, when writing a testimonial on it, meant so much ] to him about almost 2 years ago, and most of it, still holds good!
I have no idea why I'm doing this.. but i wanted to.. so here it is!!
I have known him only from the last six months.. and to be honest I don't know him at all... but still.. he makes me want to try harder!! ;-)if i haven't made enough sense i'm sorry.. A---- is a person very dear to my heart.. someone who made my journey into the corporate world more interesting..[if i may say so ] he taught me loads of tiny things.. which i needed to learn.. so he's my god of small things(too much hogaya kya??)I can safely say that he's one of a kind.. very genuine.. and extremely correct!! he can make u laugh.. n he can make u cry.. n he can also make u do both at the same time!!! A----, You are one of the best ppl I've met in life.. n i feel very privileged to know you..Thanks sweetie.. for everything.. muaah!!